Appearing Before Municipal Council

Council Meeting

When are Council Meetings Held?
Regular scheduled Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. Committee. Meetings as well as other special, Council meetings such as budget meetings, are held periodically between meetings. All notices of meetings and agendas are posted on the bulletin board at the Village Office at least 24 hours before the meeting. Mandatory public meetings such as the public presentation of the Financial Plan are advertised in the newspaper. All Meetings are held in the Council Chambers starting at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted.

Who can attend the meetings?
All Council meetings are open to the public’ and your presence and participation is encouraged. Council meetings follow a set of procedures as defined in the Village of Fraser Lake Procedure Bylaw. These procedures are designed to preserve fair and professional conduct at all meetings. For each and every meeting, an agenda is prepared. The agenda defines the business discussed during the meeting.

Why should I attend Council meetings?
Your Village Council is the level of government that is closest to you. No other level of government allows you the opportunity to obtain information, provide information, make a request or simply witness the proceedings. Attending a council meeting keeps you up-to-date and informed on the issues.

Can I address Council?
You may only address Council if you are on the agenda as a delegation or during the meeting at the discretion of the Mayor. Council encourages public input into the decision making process. Public presence demonstrates a legitimate commitment and interest in the welfare of our community. If you do address Council you are required to state your name so that they may be properly recorded in the minutes. Please see the reverse side for procedures for petitions and delegations.

How do I get on the Agenda?
The agenda for every regular meeting is prepared ahead of time and is distributed on the Wednesday before the meeting. In order to have the agenda prepared, it is required that you provide administration with written notice that you wish to address Council at least one week prior to the meeting. Your written notice should provide enough information for Council to understand the issue at hand so they can be prepared to address your concerns with the honesty and courtesy that you deserve. Before you address Council you will be asked to state your name so that it may be properly recorded in the minutes.

Will my Letter get on the Agenda?
Yes, all letters that are signed by the sender are put on the next agenda. Remember, the agenda’s are made ahead of time and you need to have your letter in one week before the meeting. You may send a letter and also be on the agenda as a delegation to speak to the issue.

If I can’t attend how can I learn what happened at a meeting?
Official minutes of every meeting are kept. Copies of the minutes are also available at the Village Office for you to review or you may purchase a copy of the minutes for $0.25 per page. You may also approach one of the Council members; they will be willing to discuss any issues that you would like. Inquiries may also be made at the Village Office.

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